// Get your visitors IP Address // If you're using CloudFlare change $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] to $_SERVER["HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP"] $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; // Input your options for this query including your optional API Key and query flags. $proxycheck_options = array( 'API_KEY' => '679402-5rlb0f-dy31gq-794722', // Your API Key. 'ASN_DATA' => 1, // Enable ASN data response. 'DAY_RESTRICTOR' => 7, // Restrict checking to proxies seen in the past # of days. 'VPN_DETECTION' => 1, // Check for both VPN's and Proxies instead of just Proxies. 'RISK_DATA' => 1, // 0 = Off, 1 = Risk Score (0-100), 2 = Risk Score & Attack History. 'INF_ENGINE' => 1, // Enable or disable the real-time inference engine. 'TLS_SECURITY' => 0, // Enable or disable transport security (TLS). 'QUERY_TAGGING' => 1, // Enable or disable query tagging. 'CUSTOM_TAG' => '', // Specify a custom query tag instead of the default (Domain+Page). 'BLOCKED_COUNTRIES' => array('Wakanda', 'CN'), // Specify an array of countries or isocodes to be blocked. 'ALLOWED_COUNTRIES' => array('Azeroth', 'US') // Specify an array of countries or isocodes to be allowed. ); $result_array = \proxycheck\proxycheck::check($ip, $proxycheck_options); Sample Page – NADER SOFT